Monday, September 2, 2013

Currently Linky Party

For the first time, I'm linking up with Farley and her Currently link up! From the first day that I started following my Blog Friends, I've loved reading their posts and wanted to participate - but have never have! So, as they say,  here goes!!!

Listening - I'm listening to "Diamonds Are Forever" the Bond Marathon on one of the movie channels.  For some reason I have always loved the Bond films! (Is it too strange if I say I love all of the Godfather movies, too???). I don't really have a favorite Bond, but I have to say that Daniel Craig is at the top since the release of Skyfall...great movie!

Loving - The lazy morning and my cup of coffee...

Thinking - I really wish I had gone to the grocery store on Saturday, but it was the first day of football season...couldn't miss College Gameday!  Can't wait until the Noles play tonight!

Wanting - Another long weekend!!

Needing - Farley's laundry and lesson plan fairy!

For me: 
1.  Get back on my fitness program. I let it slide during the summer..  
2.  Read for enjoyment!  I've spent the summer reading up on Common Core!
3.  More personal time!!


  1. I am so with you on the fitness program, and the lesson plan fairy!

  2. LOVE your goals, Laurie!!!! And, the Lesson Plan Fairy!!!
    Smiles - Lisa
    Growing Firsties

  3. Love a good James Bond. And can't we all use a fitness program?

    I love your blog name and header. I'll be back. I'm a school teacher librarian so I <3 books and tech! And my favorite books are actually for the older kiddos. Not that I don't love picture, too, but you know.

    1. Thanks, Ms. O... This year brings me back in the classroom for the first time in about 10 years. MANY changes!! One that I am enjoying is blogging. It's all new to me!! I've gotten so many ideas from so many teachers across the nation and world! I only hope that I can get better at posting....

  4. When you figure out the "more personal time" trick, let me know! I could use that myself.

  5. Reading "lazy morning" and "cup of coffee" is just cruel after a long Tuesday! ; )

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
